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STE(A)M at School & at home

"Science & Technology, interpreted through Engineering & the Arts, all based in Mathematical elements" (SteamEdu).

The A in STE(A)M includes all variences of liberal arts, including Language Arts, Social Studies, Physical Arts, Fine Arts & Music that each shape developments in STEM fields (SteamEdu).

STE(A)M incorporates art with science, technology, engineering, and math as people are now realizing how important the arts are to our everyday lives. Art is equalizing between wealthy and impoverished students and art education is proven to help math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skills and also is shown to improve motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork (Smith, 2009). The site STEAM not STEM (2010) believes art education is a necessity as art begets creativity, creativity is the key to innovation, and innovation creates new industries and our future economy.

Works Cited

Smith, F. (2009, January 28). Why Arts Education Is Crucial, and Who's Doing It Best. Retrieved June 08, 2016, from


Steam not Stem. (2010). Steam Not Stem Mission Statement. Retrieved June 08, 2016, from  

STEAM Education. (2015). About Us: STEAM for Educators. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from


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